Monday, December 24, 2012

SAMSUNG UN75ES9000 The best TV picture on a screen bigger than 70"- a comparison

Yes, the Samsung is extremely expensive, though the picture is simply definitely gorgeous- the very best I've ever seen with a screen larger than 70" definitely. It looks to get very, very close the Sharp Elite 70", which can be the biggest rated silver screen TV that you can buy.
I took my "Thor" 3D blu-ray beside me (it possesses a large amount of dark scenes that torture 3D TV presentation) and "Children of men" (lots of high-contrast scenes) to operate the bottom models through their paces and here's what I came up with...

The Samsung's contrast and black level detail was far more advanced than anybody with bright color and outstanding picture. 3D was a revelation- I have not seen a TV able to present such resolution and detail in 3D mode over a super-large screen before. The "micro-dimming" works spectacularly in putting together a vivid, high-contrast picture that outshines everything in it's size. Greater I analyzed and compared, the greater the Samsung UN75ES9000 separated itself from the rest. I can only pick one fault (well, besides that scary price!)- a momentary, slight pixilation occurring occasionally in certain elements of several moving images- that could be considered a result of having some motion enhancement deterred or on from the set ( I didn't develop the staff at the stores a single thing else other than go out the mode for the TV's that cause the "soap-opera effect"- a plague on all 120/240 Hz LED's that luckily can be disconnect). But when you need the very best picture available for purchase right this moment for under $10K, this amazing 75" TV fulfills those wishes.

By comparison, the Sharp Aquos 80" LED is usually a nice entry- the image is clean, with good blacks, nice color and decent contrast- not as brilliant and understood to be the Samsung, nevertheless a good set. Used to discover the Sharp to get some ghosting occasionally when viewing in 3D, not terrible, nevertheless noticeable when it appears. The clarity in those tough, dark scenes was slightly muted, especially after looking at the Samsung, however it is still pretty decent. When you add in Sharp reliability, a 5" larger screen and a price at almost half the Samsung it then becomes a tough decision to generate.

A cheaper, but great way for those within a strict budget will be the Mitsubishi DLP sets. I've owned several and don't a downside to any. In case your main watch mode is broadcast TV and "normal" movies you probably can't get it wrong. DLP's suffer somewhat with blooming in dark scenes and the darkest scenes in 3D viewing can become almost totally washed out, however for everyday watching they're quite satisfactory and fewer than half the price tag on a comparably sized LED set.

Well, that's just my estimation depending on several days spent at two stores, heading back and forth having salespeople play my movies between one set and another and watching from 12-15 feet away (except I got even 5 feet from the Samsung also it still looked spectacular!)- do your research! I'm still on the fence at the moment- reliability issues mentioned occasionally on the internet with past Samsung TV's that will make me reluctant to pull the trigger for $9K, when I will get a solid upgrade from my old Mitsubishi to some darn nice 80" Sharp for pretty much half that. To be sure, those fears could be somewhat unfounded, for the reason that latest Consumer Reports rates the two identical in reliability- that is certainly based on reports from thousands of consumers, not merely the small sampling that post online.

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